Ready for PN Programme
Date: 16/12/2022
[Ready for Pre-Nursery] Programme
課程共10堂,每節75分鐘,全英語上課,課程著重訓練幼兒聆聽、專注、 社交、自理及學習分享,內容包括音樂、字咭、故事、遊戲、大小肌肉鍛鍊及小手工等,適合20個月以上幼兒參加!
逢星期四 - 5/1 - 16/3 (共10堂)
11:00am - 12:15pm
學費: $3700
Early bird ~ 於 24/12 前報名多送一堂
[Ready for Pre- Nursery] is targeted for children aged 20 months and above.
Our trained teachers can help prepare your child for kindergarten. Children will learn basic skills to do tasks independently. Our curriculum focuses on enhancing your child’s auditory development, concentration levels, sharing, social interaction, gross-motor and fine-motor development.
Each lesson your child will explore a new topic, to ensure these topics are meaningful, each session includes flash cards, story telling, songs, games, movement & dance, Arts & Crafts and more!
Contact us for more information 27088738 or WhatsApp 96628502 / 96612095