English Playgroup 20m+
Date: 19/11/2024
Bouncy Kangaroos - 20 months+
December afternoon class Register NOW
Bouncy Kangaroos - 20 months+
Bouncy Kangaroos uses a thematic approach and integrates meaningful activities for your toddler to build a good foundation before starting the final level of our ‘Ready for school’ programme. In order to develop each child’s independence and self-care ability, 15-20 minutes of separation time is set for each session, this allows your child to gradually adapt to learning independently with the guidance of a teacher.
課程著重培養幼兒之間的群體意識,課堂以主題學習形式進行,透過多樣化的遊戲經驗學習,促進幼兒大小肌肉發展,並讓孩子透過主題學習認識早期概念,如:顏色、分類、 配對、數數等等。為培養孩子獨立性,每節設15-20分鐘分離時間,讓孩子在老師帶領下以循序漸進的方式,預早適應學習生活!
Tuesday 2:45pm - 4:00pm
Christmas Special Discount
Get a ‘FREE’ session by purchasing the package (10 sessions) before 22nd November.
Contact us for more information 27088738 or WhatsApp 96628502 / 96612095