STEM Work.
STEM Work offers a stress-free learning environment new generation and prepares them for the future robotic world. The curriculum is designed to enhance innovation, communication and collaboration. It emphasizes on the development of exploration, problem solving and critical thinking skills while encourages kids to think out of the box. These skills are crucial for children’s life in future and they are often believed to be more important than academic knowledge. They are the keys to success. STEM Work helps children to fly up high with joy and confidence. STEM Work 為新世代的孩子提供零壓力的學習環境,希望通過愉快的學習氛圍讓孩子早日為將來的機械化世界作好準備。 課程設計多元化,務求提高孩子的創新、溝通、協作和解難能力,培養他們的批判性思維,鼓勵他們不斷探索和跳脫思想框架。這些技能還比學術科目的專業知識更為重要,是孩子終生受用的學習能力。 STEM Work助孩子飛得更高更開心。 |
Whatsapp (9307-7753), 致電或電郵預約試堂. Call or Email to arrange trial class
試堂費用$100 (大概 45分鐘). 試全堂費用$285 (1.5小時), 如正式報恆常班, $100費用可得以扣除。
Trial class cost is $100 (approx. 45 mins), Whole class cost is $285 (1.5 hours). $100 can be redeemed for regular class enrollment.