Stage Right Drama
Fun Drama Class
for 3 years above
Drama classes are fun and educational.
Drama teacher will work with a theme and develop performance skills.
Stage Right Drama aims to:
• Maximise enjoyment whilst exploring theatre fundamentals.
• Focus on the extrovert and empower the introvert.
• Develop skills for life such as teamwork, clarity of expression, confidence and positive social behaviour.
• Develop knowledge and passion for theatre.
For 3 years above
全期共16堂, 最後一堂歡迎家長一同參與, 並頒發證書!
16 sessions in total - Parents are Welcome to join our final lesson and the certificate will be issued.
Saturday 11:45am - 12:45pm
1/3, 8/3, 15/3, 22/3
29/3, 5/4, 12/4, 26/4
3/5, 10/5, 17/5, 24/5
7/6, 14/6, 21/6, 28/6
$5600 (16 sessions)
早鳥優惠,在24/2 前報名可獲九折優惠!
Don't miss the early bird 10% discount by registering before 25th January 2025.