English Playgroup
‘Happy Group’ English Parent and Toddler Playgroup
H = Happy
A = Appreciate
P = Play
P = Preparation
Y = Yes, I can
‘Happy Group’ Playgroup is targeted for babies 12 months to 3 years old.
Our aim is to provide a warm and stimulating environment for your child via activities such as story telling, songs, rhymes, games, role- play and Arts & Crafts. Your child will have the opportunity to make new friends and more importantly develop self-confidence and love for Education. Parents can learn about the developmental stages, gain tools to help understand their child’s behaviour, and prepare the family and child to enter nursery or Kindergarten with a positive and happy attitude towards school life.
Rainbow Bears - 12 months+
Rainbow Bears Playgroup is designed for babies joining playgroup for the first time. Your baby will have the opportunity to interact with others and enjoy freeplay! This playgroup includes story time, songs, music and sensory development.
Our professional instructor will give your baby a wonderful playgroup experience!
Rainbow Bears Playgroup專為首次加入Playgroup的寶寶而設計。您的寶寶將開始有機會與他人互動、建立社交、享受學習!Rainbow Bears Playgroup 內容包括Free Play、音樂律動、故事及感官練習。我們專業的導師將會帶領你和你的寶寶,體驗及享受課堂!
Playful Penguins - 12 months+
Playful Penguins is next step up from ‘Rainbow Bears’ playgroup. Your baby will enjoy doing more activity based games as the majority of babies at this milestone have start at walking. This playgroup focuses on hand and eye coordination development, gross-motor skills, sensory integration, music, storytelling & flashcards.
此課程為延續Rainbow Bears Playgroup 課程的學習模式,課堂裏加入更多以活動為主的遊戲,讓孩子在遊戲中接觸不同物品,學習與其他兒童互動。課程也加強幼兒小肌肉運動技能,如: 練習手眼協調、疊起和推倒物品、透過拉、扯、撕等動作,鍛練手指的靈活性。感官刺激對幼兒發展亦非常重要,課堂內亦加入感官遊戲,刺激幼兒的感官發展,同時亦透過各類親子遊戲,增強父母與子女的關係。
Hopping Bunnies - 16 months+
Hopping Bunnies playgroup is the next level up from ‘Playful Penguins’ this playgroup includes both fine & gross-motor skills, cognitive development, and emotional development. Children will have plenty of opportunities to interact with others and will be encouraged to start using their words to communicate and express their emotions. Each session is filled with music & movement,
exercise, story telling, flashcards and more!
Bouncy Kangaroos – 20 months+
Bouncy Kangaroos uses a thematic approach and integrates meaningful activities for your toddler to build a good foundation before starting the final level of our ‘Ready for school’ programme. In order to develop each child’s independence and self-care ability, 30 minutes of separation time is set for each session, this allows your child to gradually adapt to learning independently with the guidance of a teacher.